Describe getting a Christmas tree with your family. How did you decorate it? When did you put it up?
Our family tree was the same tree every single year. Since my dad is allergic to pine, we had a fake tree. Which was fine with me, since I hate the smell of pine! I have my own fake tree now! lol Anyway, it varied year to year when we would put the tree up, but usually it was weeks before Christmas. When we were really little, I remember putting decorations that we'd make in grade school on the tree. Some of them, I still have today, and they go on my tree now. As we got older, my mom would buy us ornaments as gifts, and we'd save those to put up for the next year. Sometimes my mom would make popcorn for us to string up, although a lot of times we'd end up eating most of it. lol
Since the subject is Christmas trees, one distinct memory I have of our tree is the year when my youngest sister was maybe 4 or 5. My mom wanted me to keep an eye on her around the tree while she was doing something (I think giving another sister a bath). My sister was very close to the tree, and she was trying to yank something off. When I pulled her back, the tree came toppling down on both of us! No one really got in trouble, but I really tried to make sure it didn't happen again!! lol