Saturday, August 27, 2005

Question #84 - Life Lessons

What is the greatest lesson in your life you find to be true?

There have been many lessons in life that I have learned, especially being a person with a major disability....a disability that cannot be seen just by looking at me. So I'd have to say that the biggest lesson I've learned is not to judge a book by it's cover. It sounds to cliche, but it's so very true. So many people judge others without even knowing someone. And I am no angel, I've done it many times myself.  I jump to conclusions about a person just by what they are wearing, or how they are acting. And it really is very unfair. I have had many people yell at me when I park in the handicap spots at the stores or restaurants. There are times when I don't wear my oxygen, and when I don't, you'd have no clue that I had a heart/lung disease. These people are rude enough to embarass me in public, when they have no idea why I'm even parking there. Even when I try to explain it, some of them still threaten to call the police. I just tell them to go ahead. I now have cards with me that explains my disease, and I just hand it to someone who asks about my oxygen, or who berrades me in a parking lot. So, I definitely have to say that judging people is one lesson I have found to be very true.  Unfortunately, it's not something that is easily changed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe people do this to you, that's just horrible.