Sunday, November 9, 2008

Question #117 - Do I have a favorite sport, talent, etc?

I love hockey! Even though I don't get channels to actually watch games anymore, I still try to catch them when they are on. My dad played junior hockey when he was younger on a Canadian farm team. He actually got to play in 4 NHL games back then, for the Detroit Redwings. So, for that reason, Detroit is one of my favorite teams, along with the Buffalo Sabres! I have been to a few professional games, and I used to go to the club hockey games at Niagara University when I was a student, because I had friends on the team. I don't know what it is about hockey that I really like. Maybe it is the fast-paced style of the game!

I don't know what they mean by favorite talent, so I am going to interpret it as favorite actor/actress. I have always loved Sally Field and Tom Hanks. They have just been too great actors with many terrific performances! I also don't hear too much sleaze and stuff about them in the tabloids, which makes me like them even more!

1 comment:

Teddybear said...

Swimming and gymnatistics would be my favorite sport.

My talent is gardening and flower arranging - a gift from God - because I hate to get my hands dirty.

Keep writing I love your posts very interesting questions.

PS I agree with Sally and Tom.