Saturday, November 15, 2008

Question #123 - Am I a good communicator? How can I improve on this?

I think sometimes I am a good communicator, and in some situations, I'm not. If I'm talking about a subject I know and understand, then I can go on about it without hesitation. If I'm put on the spot with a question, I don't do too well with that. I feel like I fumble and can't get my words out right. I end up being nervous and wish I could run away!! I'm usually good at trying to describe things to people, except for directions. I'm horrible with directions, and I usually just say I don't know how to get there if someone asks me!!

How can I improve on any of this?? Be prepared?? Try not to be so nervous?? Maybe admit if I don't know something, and not worry about it too much?? I don't know!!

1 comment:

Teddybear said...

I think you communicate just fine. Your blogs prove it.