Monday, April 18, 2005

Question #2 - Games

What games did you play in your house or neighborhood?

There were a lot of neighborhood kids when I was growing up, so we quite often played games together.  We played the usual: hide n seek, Red Rover, Green light/Red light, freeze tag, and more.  But we also did things like making up skits and performing them for each other.  Those were always interesting.  We seemed to do skits that had some sort of moral to them.  They were fun!  As we grew older, we'd play card games, like Spoons, or huge group Solitaire. This is making me miss growing up and the simpler days back then!!

My sisters and I had numerous games that we played when stuck indoors. We made up quite a few games, and I would get really odd inquiries if I were to list them here.  We were quite imaginative!  But we also played school or house in the basement. We had Barbies, My Little Ponies, and those type of things we played with, too. As we got older, and video games were introduced to us, we would play those together. My one sister and I used to team up and kick butt on Atari's many games.  It was definitely fun growing up together, and I miss those times, too!!

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