Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Question #26 - Downtown

Describe a trip downtown as a youngster. 

I often remember going downtown a lot during the winter when we had the Festival of Lights. Unfortunately, that was discontinued several years ago. But the one time we went down there, we were walking outside, and I was a little ahead of my parents.  I found myself walking right next some guy, and when I turned to look at him, I dropped my jaw in realization of who it was.  It was Victor Borge. Now, some of you are thinking, who???  Victor Borge was a piano player and comedian whom I only knew from my dad.  He was just hysterical on stage, but also a wonderful pianist to listen to.  When I stopped walking because I was frozen in fear (I had never met a celebrity!), I turned to ask my dad if he saw who I was walking next to.  My dad hurriedly started walking toward Mr. Borge.  My eyes widened as I realized that, not only was my father having a conversation with the man, but he was also talking to him in German!  I always love that memory, mainly because my dad looked so happy after he talked with Mr. Borge! 

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